Determines the visibility of an element based on the post or page where it is added.
There are also various settings included within this option. These include:
1. Custom Post Type: This allows you to specify the targeted custom post type. These include posts, pages and any other post type you could be having within your website.
2. Post / Page: This renders the available posts or pages within the site. It hence allows you to specify the post or page you would wish to target.
3. Taxonomy: It allows you to specify the taxonomy of the post / page that you are targeting. The taxonomies include specifications such as tags and categories.
4. Terms: This the content available within the various taxonomies. Items available here will be dependent on the Taxonomy selection applied. For example if a category taxonomy was selected in 3 above, then the terms section will render the categories available within the website.
5. Meta, Meta Condition and Meta Value: Allows you to specify meta within the site that can be used to limit the visibility of an item.
6. Is Parent: Used a selection if a post contains child items
7. Is Root: Used for first level posts without a parent
8. Is Leaf: Used for last level posts that do not contain child items
9. Is Node: Used for posts with a parent and a child (intermedial posts). It also allows you to specify the node level you wish to target
10. Has Siblings: Used for posts with siblings
11. Has Term Buddies: Used for posts grouped in taxonomies with other posts. It allows you to specify Terms for the current post that has friends.
12. With Parameter: Allows you to define the name of the parameter passed in the GET or POST method.