WPML is a multilingual plugin that enables you to translate parts of your website. Within this guide, we will mainly focus on translating the theme Strings. This guide assumes that you have carried out the language switch as outlined here.
To help in this, you will need to install the following plugins:
- WPML Multilingual CMS
- WPML String Translation addon
To help you get started with the plugin setup, you can utilize the WPML guide here.
Translating Theme Strings
In order to translate the Stax theme Strings, you will need to carry out the following:
Navigate to the WPML > Theme and Plugins Localization
Select the Stax theme and click on the “Scan selected themes for strings”, to scan it.
Once the scan is complete, navigate to the WPML > String Translation section and here you can search for a String to translate:
In order to translate a String, click on the “plus” icon first within the line where the String is located:
On the popup rendered, fill in your text translation:
Once this is done, when you view your site content in the set translation language(in our case here it is Spanish), you should have a view of the translations taking effect. Below is a sample screenshot on our translation: