It displays the nav item and counters. The Nav items shown are the “All Groups”, “My Groups” and “Create New Group” item links.
Note: This widget shows and can be added only on the Groups Directory template type.
All Groups: It displays all groups within the site, with the total number of registered users who have logged in at least once after BuddyPress was activated in the installation.
My Groups: This nav link will display the number of groups you have created and/or joined in
Create a Group: Facilitates Group Creation by Members
Styling the Groups Navigation
The Style section enables you to provide some Styling to all the Group Navigation components (Navigation bar, Navigation Items, Create Group Item and Item Counter).
This covers the full navigation bar.
Here you can alter the Typography aspects of the texts, alignment, the background color of the navigation bar, border type and border Styling.
Navigation Item:
This section allows you to specify navigation item colors, background colors, box shadow and border styling aspects under different states (active, normal and hover).
Create Group Item:
Allows you to specify styling aspects of the “Create a Group” navigation link. These styling aspects include text colors, background colors, box shadow and border styling aspects under different states (normal and hover).
It also overrides the general Navigation Item Styling aspects.
Item Counter:
This allows you to add some styling to the counters.
Here, you can specify the counters spacing, Typography aspects under different states (Normal, active and hover), as well as border Styling.