This widget allows admins to use a default or upload a custom background image for the group.
Styling Cover Widget
Set as Background
The screenshot above shows the background image with the option of “set as background” enabled. This option allows you to set an uploaded image of whichever size and sets it as the background of your group profile.
Image Position
This enables you to choose the positioning of the image for better clarity. This is important if you want to set a particular part of the image to be visible. Several options for this include, default, top right, top left, top center, center right, center left, center center, bottom left, bottom right, and bottom center.
Image Repeat
Under this option it allows you to repeat the display of the background image in a certain direction. You can either select from none, repeat, repeat x, repeat y.
Image Size
You can adjust the size of the image from various options which are: default, auto, cover or contain.
Image Height
This option allows you to adjust the height of the background image to any level using a scale of 0 – 900.
Image Blur
This allows you to adjust or add blur to the background image.
Border Type, Width, Color & Radius
With this option you can add a border to your background image from either a solid, dotted, dashed, double or groove type of border. Additionally, you can set the size of the border in terms of px and select your preferred color for the border. Finally, in case you want to add some rounded corners to the background image borders you can add some radius in terms of px.
Box Shadow
This adds some background shadow to the image by adding blur to it. You can adjust the blur size and set it to either horizontal or vertical or simply spread it.
The last option enables you to add an overlay on top of the background image. You can set the overlay to be in terms of color either with the classic or gradient style. Ensure you also adjust the opacity of the overlay such that the background image is visible enough.