The widget can be used when it comes to searching or filtering some activities within the content area of the site wide activity. Under the filter section you can opt to display everything in the content section. This is the default setting of the widget. Other filter options include: new members, profile updates, updates, friendship updates, new groups, groups memberships, group updates, posts and comments.
Note: This widget is available only when building your Site-Wide activity page.
- New Members:- Displays the list of the latest members who have joined the site.
- Profile Updates:- Displays activity based on what information members update within their profile.
- Updates:- Displays info based on the status posted by any member within the site
- Friendship Updates:- Displays activity on latest members who are friends
- New Groups:- Displays a list of newly created groups within the site.
- Groups Memberships:- Displays activities based on members who have joined a specific group.
- Group Updates:- Displays activity based on the status/activity posted within the groups.
- Posts:- Displays the latest posts from individual members
- Comments:- Displays activity based on the comments within a post.
Styling the Filters Widget
The container holds all other sections of the filter widget.
Within it, you can have various styling aspects such as the background color, box shadow,border styling and padding.
Here you can change the RSS color and size according to your preference.
Here you can alter the Text Typography of the sort options as well as the background color, colors of the text and icon, border stylings and padding under different states (Normal and Hover).
Within this section, you can alter the Text Typography as well as the background color, colors of the text and placeholder, box shadow, border stylings and padding under different states (Normal and Hover).
Search and Submit
This section allows you to set the background color, text color, box shadow, border styling and padding to the submit button on the search field.